When I was thinking about painting the Abbey Road album cover on a leather jacket I didn’t quite know how I was going to do it. It was in my head as a vague idea of something I could try but I really didn’t know if I could pull it off. Or even what I’d do with such a painting. It would be hard to sell as well.

The opportunity came up to see ARC play in Brisbane and so I jumped at it. And if I was going to go to so much effort to see a band I may as well be super extra and paint a jacket for one of them.
I picked Kram from Spiderbait as he had sung may favourtie songs from the Perth concert (“I Want You (She’s So Heavy)” and “I Am The Warlus” for anyone who is interested.)
Can’t tell you why. I just do what my inner voice tell me to do. All I know is that I do my best work when I listen to it. And this is one of the best things I’ve ever done.
Admittedly I felt silly gifting it to Kram during the VIP meet and greet. It must be weird for them too when a stranger comes up and gives them a gift for no particular reason. I can’t see myself ever doing that again. I did get a shout out during the concert, he thanked me and another fan who gave him a gift and dedicated a song to us. I was massively chuffed and embarrassed at the same time.
It took two months to paint. I just kept working and working on it until I was happy with it. When I first started this painting it was meant to represent amazing music, standing ovations and feeling one with yourself and the band. It still represents those things but also within it’s layers you can find a growing strength, heartbreak, and an ocean of emotion I cannot share with the world.

There are so many firsts in that painting for me. My first go at trees, buildings, cars, roads and teeny tiny faces. It was hard but a complete joy to paint. I’ve started a second Abbey Road painting, this one is bigger and on canvas. Sell or keep for myself? I never know what to do.